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Nikon Nikkor AF 60mm f2.8D MICRO Lens
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Nikon Nikkor AF 60mm f2.8D MICRO Lens
0 Reviews
60mm Macro
OUR PRICE: $689.95
SALE PRICE: $649.95
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Product Code: 1987

Description Technical Specs
The Nikon 60mm f/2.8D AF Micro-Nikkor provides an exceptional range of applications and high-quality performance. Close-Range Correction System ensures high resolution from infinity to close-ups down to 8 3/4 inches (1:1 reproduction ratio). The A-m mode allows for shooting in Auto Focus or Manual focus and the Aperture offers a ranger of f2.8 upo to f32 to be used and also makes this lens compatible with older 35mm Cameras.

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