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1.4x Teleconverter
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Pentax HD 1.4x Teleconverter AW
0 Reviews
OUR PRICE: $595.95

Product Code: 37962

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2 Year Extended Warranty:
Two Year Coverage up to $700 in Value [Add $79.95]This warranty starts after manufactures warranty. Note warranty only covers up to the price of original purchase.

Description Technical Specs
The PENTAX HD 1.4x All Weather Teleconverter is an AW rear converter that offers a 40% increase in focal length when mounted between the body and lens, yet has an extremely small form factor.  Measuring only 20 millimeters long, its compact, lightweight design allows the user to more easily reach out to distant subjects. The minimum focusing distance of the lens is retained, allowing for the capture of larger, more detailed images in close-up situations.

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