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Dual charger for EL-EL14/15
Dual Charger
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Nitecore USB Dual Nikon Battery Charger w/LCD
0 Reviews
OUR PRICE: $54.95

Availability:: Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Business Days
Product Code: UNK1

The UNK1 is a dual charger that will charge both the EN-E:EL15 and EN-EL14 batteries. It is compact and light weight and offers and LCD display so you have real time information regarding your charging. Best of all you can charge both batteries at the same time and you don't need an AC outlet to charge either as it uses a USB port for charging.
  • This charger will charger the EN-EL14 and EN-EL15 and is compatible with:
    The Nikon D5600, D5500, D5300, D5200, D5100, D3100, D3200,
    D3300, D3400, Df, Coolpix P7100, Coolpix P7000, Coolpix P7700, Coolpix P7800 and D3X
    EN-EL15 Compatible with: D600, D610, D750, D800, D800E, D810, D810A, D850, D500, D500
    100TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION, D7500 and D7000

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