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af-s 20mm f1.8
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Nikon Nikkor AF-S 20mm f1.8 G ED Lens
0 Reviews
OUR PRICE: $999.00

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Product Code: 20051

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2 Year Extended Warranty:
Two Year Coverage up to $700 in Value [Add $79.95]This warranty starts after manufactures warranty. Note warranty only covers up to the price of original purchase.

Description Technical Specs
With the ultra-wide view of a 20mm lens, you're free to capture
expansive landscapes and architecture, wedding parties, an entire band on stage, crowd shots and much more. Add low-light capabilities to that view, and the shooting possibilities are nearly endless. Introducing the AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED, a compact, lightweight FX-format lens that combines the ultra-wide perspective of a 20mm focal length, the low-light capabilities and shallow depth of field of an f/1.8 maximum
aperture and the superb optical characteristics of an advanced NIKKOR prime lens. Whether you shoot stills, HD video, time lapse sequences or star trail images on an FX- or DX-format D-SLR, the AF-S NIKKOR 20mm f/1.8G ED will widen your creative potential.

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